Saturday, April 12, 2014

New Classroom Setup

Before spring break, the teacher I share my classroom with and I gave a survey to students to see what changes they would like to make to the classroom. Our goal was to give them more control and voice over the physical space of the classroom to mirror the increased degree of control and voice we're working to give them over the curriculum at the end of the school year.

Overall, students wanted to have more comfortable seating (we have a couch and more options for seating), softer lighting (we have several lamps), and background noise (we have a small water feature). For our part, we wanted to make the space more student friendly by getting rid of our special (and very cluttered) teacher corner and making the teacher computer more of a kiosk for anyone to use.

Also, one of the most requested changes was... a pet. So, we will now add two hermit crabs to our class.

I'm not sure how this whole experiment with the classroom setup will go, but I'm excited to find out!

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