Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dream Symposium Project

To match the new-found physical freedom and choice we've provided to students in our classroom's furniture and arrangement, we started a new project this week that has students pursuing one of their dreams and sharing it with others.

We spent several days explaining the project and having students fill out their proposal for the it on this sheet. Essentially, we're trying to leave the gate wide open in an attempt to get them to roam more. They'll have several days to complete an activity of their choosing, then a day to reflect on that activity, and then some time to work on a visual representation of their activity and dream to use when they set up a small booth for the symposium we're having at the end. This final day will be a time when students will stand by what they've done and explain it to parents, administrators, students, and others, all of whom will be receiving a form to give feedback to the presentations they see.

Some students have elected to get permission to take a day off of school and job shadow someone. Other students are building models, welding things, writing and recording songs, constructing magazines, creating computer programs, and doing sundry other things that I couldn't begin to engage in competently at this point. Of course, there are some students who are dragging their feet, saying "this is dumb," and otherwise being unengaged. We're working on that.

I'm excited to see how it all goes!

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