Saturday, April 26, 2014

Dream Projects in Progress

This last week, students had several days to work on their dream projects. I snapped a few photos of examples below, but one that really stands out to me is Megan's. She took the bull by the horns and called up an auto shop to see if she could job shadow for a day. They were happy to have her come, and when she came back to school the next day, she was so excited about everything she'd seen, learned, and worked on. She anxiously showed me the pictures she took and explained her experiences and the differences between automatic and manual transmissions.

Unfortunately, to balance out Megan's awesome experience and the examples below, there are a handful of students who are choosing to be disengaged from the project. They are meandering through the steps of finding information they're kind of interested in and making a basic poster or PowerPoint. It just seems like another box to check for them, and it makes me wonder what I did wrong about my presentation or design of the project. Perhaps these are students who would've struggled regardless of what kind of project we did last week, but I wish I could've reached them better. Hopefully, I can engage a few more next year.

Researching Aids/HIV in Africa.

Designing 3-D models of everyday objects.

Building his 3rd model to demonstrate design principles.

Making a suit of cardboard armor.

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